24 May 2010

Posted by Extreme News | File under : ,
South African government legalize Prostitution in FIFA World Cup 2010

NEWS extreme this time, comes from South Africa 2010 World Cup. It was the South African government plans to legalize prostitution on a grand feast of the world football, FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010.

This information is expressed by the director of education and advocacy workers prostitution in South Africa Eric Harper, quoted from okezone.com. Step legalization of prostitution is intentionally proposed because it will be very useful to monitor and prevent the spread of the HIV virus. But, of course, equipped with signs that clearly legal.

This thing has been the response by the board handling of AIDS Julian Seedat. Since the legalization of prostitution in South Africa FIFA World Cup performances in 2010, will make the workers prostitutes easily get the protection, supervision and referrals.

Proposed Harper on South Africa 2010 World Cup party may be able to combat the deadly virus. However, for other States will take this seriously because this is forbidden by religious norms.

Furthermore, how do you think the South African government plans to legalize Prostitution in FIFA World Cup in 2010, with the aim to monitor and prevent the spread of the HIV virus.

Indonesia Version


  1. Hmmm need for rlizeedd!!

  2. would be better to prevent darpada treat each other to keep yourself protected from dangerous diseases such...

  3. wauuuu that's a nice plan bro hahahahaha, but conection with speading of aids, i think the plan is not too influence coz that just temporary moment :)

  4. maampir maLam sobat...
    aaku ga' ngerti bahasa Inggris si..

  5. Sebentar, saya translate dulu

  6. kayaknya blog ini ada dua sisi ya bro
    extreme sama extrime

    sukses dech

    salam dari pamekasan madura

  7. wah..kok segitunya sih..
    pantes pada kena HIV
